Saturday, December 25, 2010

Xander's First Christmas

 Dad, Cider, Xander, and our awesome tree.

 Totally a little angel, right?
 Xander also attended his first Wigilia with his Dad's side of the family. While he couldn't enjoy any of the delicious food, he did enjoy being passed around and cuddled all night.

 Special prize of the night goes to Ciocia Magda who finally got Xander to fall asleep!

 Santa came to our house!

 Xander made a special "Cookies for Santa" plate for Christmas...his little footprint is the snowman in the center.

 Feliz Navidad!

 Xander and Uncle Robert.
 At this point, Xander is tired of Christmas.
CandyGram and Dad Dad!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Xander is three weeks old today!

It's hard to believe Xander is already three weeks old! Some highlights of his life so far...hanging out with other mommies and babies at the breastfeeding group on Tuesdays...a growth spurt that kept everybody up around the clock for two days...being too tall for newborn footie outfits...nursing ALL THE TIME...brunch with Santa...his first walk outside in the stroller...his first real bath (he loved/hated it)...lots of cuddle time on the couch with Mom and Dad. So far, he's had a pretty sweet life.