Sunday, February 20, 2011

This baby is #1

Xander recently found his hands. When he's not scratching himself in the face with them, he is trying to eat them.

Someday he's gonna get that whole thing in his mouth.

Daddy magic...he falls asleep like this all the time.

Xander's first Valentine's Day! He gave Mom a totally awesome card.

If he falls asleep somewhere...he stays there.

That lower lip is gigantic.

Such a mix of emotions here!


  1. He's so sweet. I love the sleeping pictures. And I'll fill you in on a little secret... that "sweet while sleeping" thing doesn't disappear as they grow. It only intensifies!

  2. Love all the pics!! I especially love the super close up of Kaitlin and Xander. FRAME IT!! I love his cheeks. So much so that I really, really, REALLY hope he still has them when he's an adult.
